MPTT 2019

MPTT 2019

With the holidays now approaching its time to celebrate the hard work of our 2019 MPTT ākonga. All up 68 Māori or Pasifika students were given an MPTT scholarship during the year.

The measure of success we hold above all others is employment. All up, one third of 2019 MPTT students  are now in paid employment. Along with a further third enrolled for study next year – in total 65% of 2019 students are in paid employment or enrolled in further learning next year. Comparably, this is up from 40% last year. We're thrilled with these ākonga outcomes.

Melody Te Patu, the Taranaki Futures MPTT Coordinator who has supported ākonga throughout the year, is right behind learners celebrating their achievements “I’m so proud of the hard work students have put into achieving their goals”.

Its been a fantastic year – the Taranaki Futures team and board would like to thank the MPTT Consortium Members, WITT tutors and teaching staff, students and their whanau for a fantastic year.

Next year will be even better – with even more MPTT scholarship courses on offer. If you, or someone you know, is looking for a change next year give Melody a call to find out more today.

2019 Build a Trailer – SOLD, to Todd Energy

2019 Build a Trailer – SOLD, to Todd Energy

Schurr & Ireland backing Taranaki youth

Schurr & Ireland backing Taranaki youth